
Showing posts from September, 2020

In the near future, too.

 I've written so much over the course of my life that I've literally forgotten some of the things. Including this blog that I kept fairly consistently for several years.  It was called "In the near future", and you can find it here , if you're curious wtf I was thinking about between 2006-2014.  (Long parenthetical: Now that I know it's there again (thanks, rarely updated LinkedIn profile!), I actually can't wait to scroll through and see wtf I *was* thinking about back then. Cause right now, in this very moment everything is pretty much obscured by a constant refrain of "Fuck. Coronavirus. Climate change. Fuck.") Totally fucked that I can't get into the account anymore. Cause along with the very existence of that blog, I've also forgotten the email addresses, social media accounts, and accompanying passwords of basically the past 20 years. Damn.  And now cannabis is legal (somewhere). Suffice it to say, I'm starting again.